Difficulty and wheezing during breathing.
Intense discomfort
Difficulty in speech, inhaling in the middle of the sentence.
Pale and sticky skin.
Cyanosis of the lips, nail base and ear lobes (sign of hypoxia).
Intense use of the chest and neck muscles during breathing.
Exhaustion with the possibility of losing consciousness.
We animate the sufferer. We help him to sit comfortably, but not to lie down and take his medicine. If the crisis does not pass in a few minutes, we ask him to take medicine again. We distract the sufferer by talking to him about something else.
Anaphylaxis - Allergy
Signs and symptoms:
Initial symptoms
Rash and itching of the skin.
Redness, tears and itching in the eyes.
Advanced symptoms
Swelling in the throat, lips, tongue, body in general.
Fast and lean pulse.
Drop in blood pressure.
Anxiety, vomiting and abdominal pain.
Shortness of breath.
Loss of consciousness.
We animate the sufferer. We remove the allergenic cause from the sufferer or the sufferer from the cause. We place it in a comfortable position. Sitting can make breathing easier. If he has a tendency to faint we put him to lie down slightly higher. If he loses consciousness we control his breathing and place him in a resuscitation position. We act as in the unconscious patient.
EPI-PEN Someone with a history of anaphylaxis may have an epinephrine pen (EPI PEN) with them. Its application is simple and is done intramuscularly on the thigh. We help him to use it.
If the breathing stops, we proceed to WRIST.
We immediately call an ambulance at 112.
Symptoms and signs
Pale skin, dizziness and weakness, nausea and sweating, slow heartbeat and memory loss during the episode.
We protect the patient during the fall. We place it in a supine position, with the legs higher, for better perspiration of the vital organs. We show discretion in cases of women with skirts.
We loosen tight clothes.
We adequately ventilate the space.
We ask those present to leave.
Wait for the sufferer to return in a few minutes. We control vital functions.
When he returns we ask him to stay seated, because he may faint again.
If the sufferer is a woman and the first aid man is better, ask another woman to help him.
If he does not return in a few minutes, we call an ambulance.
When he returns we urge him to be examined by a doctor.
Myocardial infarction (heart attack)
Symptoms and signs
(not all symptoms appear in all cases).
Severe pain or heaviness in the center of the chest, and posteriorly, usually extending to the left arm and jaw, back, or shoulder.
Discomfort and pain in the abdomen that can be considered indigestion.
Pale, cold and sticky skin, in some cases cyanosis of the lips.
Difficult and intense breathing, feeling that "the air is running out". Tendency to vomit, nausea, dizziness, weakness and heavy sweating.
Fast and weak pulse.
Possible loss of consciousness.
Heart attack.
We animate the sufferer.
We help him sit in a semi-sitting position.
We urge him not to get tired by straining his heart.
We help him get his medicine, if he is already taking it.
If he is not allergic to aspirin, he can chew 300 mg of aspirin instead of swallowing it.
We monitor response, respiration and heart rate.
We immediately call an ambulance at 112
Signs and symptoms
They are most pronounced in three parts of the body:
Face - there is an inability to control the facial muscles. Drop of one side of the face.
Upper limbs - there is inability to move both hands evenly.
Speech - inability to speak normally.
Other indications
Possible anisocoria.
Intense and sudden headache.
Confusion and behavior change.
Low level of consciousness.
Dizziness and loss of balance.
Diplopia, the sufferer sees twice.
Numbness in the face at the extremities.
Loss of control of one side of the body and lack of coordination.
Whatever the cause, the brain is deprived of blood, resulting in hypoxia and / or compression of the brain by internal bleeding.
We animate the sufferer. We monitor vital functions, airway, respiration, heart rate and response level. We make him sit or lie with his head higher than his body and leaning slightly to the side. We do not give anything to drink or eat. Speed is very important. The patient needs immediate medical attention.
We immediately call an ambulance at 112